Why should I hire an apprentice? (A guide for employers)

Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way for any organisation to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce.

The benefits that apprenticeships contribute to your organisation include:

  • You can adapt the training your apprentice receives according to the needs of your organisation.
  • An apprenticeship allows you to diversify and freshen up your workforce.
  • You can employ an apprentice who is aged 16 up to any age and from any background.
  • There’s a wide selection of apprenticeships available, covering lots of different job roles.

There are often grants available to help organisations take on an apprentice, get in touch with us at hub@stockton.gov.uk to find out more.

  • 86% of employers said apprenticeships developed skills
  • 78% reported improved productivity.
  • 90% of apprentices stay on in their place of work after completing an apprenticeship.

To find out more click here Hire an apprentice (apprenticeships.gov.uk)